Lysimachia forbesii

Rock (1914)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Asterids Order: Ericales Family: Primulaceae Genus: Lysimachia


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Sprawling shrubs.

Stems: Stems erect to decumbent, 10–15 dm long, unbranched, young ones villous with purple multicellular hairs, soon glabrate, internodes 5–40 mm long.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Opposite. Blades narrowly elliptic, 80–260 mm long, 25–100 mm wide. <u>Apex</u> acuminate. Apex acuminate. <u>Base</u> cuneate. Base cuneate. <u>Upper surfaces</u> glabrous; <u>lower surfaces</u> pilose along veins (hairs purple, multicellular) and also glandular punctate, Leaves pale green on lower surface, alternate, thin, chartaceous. Upper surfaces glabrous; lower surfaces pilose along veins (hairs purple, multicellular) and also glandular punctate, Leaves pale green on lower surface, alternate, thin, chartaceous. <u>Margins</u> entire. Margins entire. Veins conspicuously reticulate on lower surface, the veins purple to purplish brown. Petioles 20–60 mm long. <b>Stipules</b> absent. Stipules absent.

Flowers: Flowers bisexual (perfect), actinomorphic, 1–3 in the leaf axils, 6–8-merous, pedicels slender, 15–30 mm long, densely villous, bracteate, bracteoles absent. <b>Calyx</b> of 5 sepals; Calyx lobes green with dark purple veins, drying pale yellow, thin, 20–28 mm long, enlarging to 22–31 mm long in fruit, villous in lower ½, margins membranous. Corolla green with purple veins, drying yellow, 20–28 mm long, the lobes elliptic, apex erose, imbricate. Stamens as many as and opposite the corolla lobes; filaments divided and connate ca. 5 mm from base, adnate to corolla tube; anthers dithecal. Ovary superior, 1-celled; ovule placentation free-central; style 1.

Fruit: Capsules broadly ovoid or subglobose; 10–15 mm long; regularly dehiscent by 6–8 valves. <b>Seeds</b> not seen.


Habitat: Wet forests.

Elevation Range: 610–700 m.

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

O'ahu Endemic

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 361 (1914)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:1080 (O); Marr & Bohm 1997:267 (KEY, DESCR)

Wagner et al. 1990:1080 (O); Marr & Bohm 1997:267 (KEY, DESCR)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu, koolau mt PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 384 Oahu BISH 12/24/1908
2 Lysimachia forbesii Rock unknown PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 1031 BISH
3 Lysimachia forbesii Rock koolau mts., punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 63 Oahu BISH 12/3/1908
4 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8836 Oahu BISH
5 Lysimachia forbesii Rock unknown PreservedSpecimen Rock, J.F.C. Collector Number: 1031 BISH Specimen
6 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Punaluu Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. s.n. Oahu BISH 5/3/1909
7 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu mts Dense forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 376 Oahu BISH 12/24/1908
8 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Koolau Range; Punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hosaka, E.Y. s.n. Oahu BISH 11/30/1929
9 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. rock, j.f. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 11/14/1908
10 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Punaluu Mts Dense forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 376 Oahu BISH 12/24/1908
11 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Koolau Range; Punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hosaka, E.Y. 38 Oahu BISH 11/30/1929
12 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Koolau Mts., Punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 63 Oahu BISH 12/3/1908
13 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu mts Among lama and lantana in aa jungle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. rock, j.f. collector number: s.n. Hawaii BISH 11/14/1908
14 Lysimachia forbesii Rock koolau range; punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hosaka, e.y. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 11/30/1929
15 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Punaluu Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8836 Oahu BISH 8/1/1911
16 Lysimachia forbesii Rock kaluanui Head of small valley, wet. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hume, e.p. collector number: 104 Oahu BISH 3/8/1931
17 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 8839 Oahu US
18 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Punaluu Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 12502 Oahu BISH 10/31/1914
19 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Koolau Mts., Punaluu, Kaluanui trail wet forest, bank PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Yoshioka, T. s.n. Oahu BISH 4/29/1934
20 Lysimachia forbesii Rock koolau mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 12 Oahu BISH 12/3/1908
21 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. rock, j.f. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 5/3/1909
22 Lysimachia forbesii Rock pig-god trail, punaluu, just below top overlooking valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 17689 Kauai US 6/22/1932
23 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Punaluu Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. s.n. Oahu BISH 11/14/1908
24 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Koolau Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 12 Oahu BISH 12/3/1908
25 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu Near stream bed in shady wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN swezey, o.h. collector number: s.n. Kauai BISH 6/11/1916
26 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu mts Moist region. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 815 Oahu BISH 11/14/1908
27 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Punaluu Mts Dense forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 815 Oahu BISH 11/14/1908
28 Lysimachia forbesii Rock unknown PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 1031 BISH
29 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Punaluu, Koolau Mt PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 384 Oahu BISH 12/24/1908
30 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 12502 Oahu BISH 10/31/1914
31 Lysimachia forbesii Rock koolau range; punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hosaka, e.y. collector number: 38 Oahu BISH 11/30/1929
32 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Kaluanui Head of small valley, wet. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hume, E.P. 104 Oahu BISH 3/8/1931
33 Lysimachia forbesii Rock koolau mts., punaluu, kaluanui trail wet forest, bank PRESERVED_SPECIMEN yoshioka, t. Oahu BISH 4/29/1934
34 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu, koolau mt PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 384 Oahu BISH 12/24/1908
35 Lysimachia forbesii Rock unknown PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 1031 BISH
36 Lysimachia forbesii Rock koolau mts., punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 63 Oahu BISH 12/3/1908
37 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8836 Oahu BISH
38 Lysimachia forbesii Rock unknown PreservedSpecimen Rock, J.F.C. Collector Number: 1031 BISH Specimen
39 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Punaluu Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. s.n. Oahu BISH 5/3/1909
40 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu mts Dense forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 376 Oahu BISH 12/24/1908
41 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Koolau Range; Punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hosaka, E.Y. s.n. Oahu BISH 11/30/1929
42 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. rock, j.f. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 11/14/1908
43 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Punaluu Mts Dense forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 376 Oahu BISH 12/24/1908
44 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Koolau Range; Punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hosaka, E.Y. 38 Oahu BISH 11/30/1929
45 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Koolau Mts., Punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 63 Oahu BISH 12/3/1908
46 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu mts Among lama and lantana in aa jungle PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. rock, j.f. collector number: s.n. Hawaii BISH 11/14/1908
47 Lysimachia forbesii Rock koolau range; punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hosaka, e.y. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 11/30/1929
48 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Punaluu Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8836 Oahu BISH 8/1/1911
49 Lysimachia forbesii Rock kaluanui Head of small valley, wet. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hume, e.p. collector number: 104 Oahu BISH 3/8/1931
50 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 8839 Oahu US
51 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Punaluu Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 12502 Oahu BISH 10/31/1914
52 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Koolau Mts., Punaluu, Kaluanui trail wet forest, bank PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Yoshioka, T. s.n. Oahu BISH 4/29/1934
53 Lysimachia forbesii Rock koolau mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 12 Oahu BISH 12/3/1908
54 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. rock, j.f. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 5/3/1909
55 Lysimachia forbesii Rock pig-god trail, punaluu, just below top overlooking valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 17689 Kauai US 6/22/1932
56 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Punaluu Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. s.n. Oahu BISH 11/14/1908
57 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Koolau Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 12 Oahu BISH 12/3/1908
58 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu Near stream bed in shady wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN swezey, o.h. collector number: s.n. Kauai BISH 6/11/1916
59 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu mts Moist region. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 815 Oahu BISH 11/14/1908
60 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Punaluu Mts Dense forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 815 Oahu BISH 11/14/1908
61 Lysimachia forbesii Rock unknown PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 1031 BISH
62 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Punaluu, Koolau Mt PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 384 Oahu BISH 12/24/1908
63 Lysimachia forbesii Rock punaluu mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 12502 Oahu BISH 10/31/1914
64 Lysimachia forbesii Rock koolau range; punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hosaka, e.y. collector number: 38 Oahu BISH 11/30/1929
65 Lysimachia forbesii Rock Kaluanui Head of small valley, wet. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hume, E.P. 104 Oahu BISH 3/8/1931
66 Lysimachia forbesii Rock koolau mts., punaluu, kaluanui trail wet forest, bank PRESERVED_SPECIMEN yoshioka, t. Oahu BISH 4/29/1934